went for paint balling with mr tan, cc and cc's gang...
always wondering go or not to go cuz of work load
i know... i know... CC say i always use work load as an excuse... maybe it's true... seinz...
but in the end still go swt~~
cuz she say i'll miss a lot if i don't and it's once in a life time...
and once in a life time i feel like my life is near the cliff already...
and once in a life time i feel like im gonna get bruise (which luckily i didn't get any even i got hit... phew~~)
and mr tan is going too blek =P mama say ok if i wanna go also...
so conclusion is GO!
during the briefing for the paintball, i already start to feel uneasy there.
the breifer say if u got hit, it would only feels like a pinch and twist at the stomach.
i was like.. "OUCH!!!"
everybody are so "kanceong" there... i think even though the boys already told told us their tactics... im still blur... as long as i dun get shot and shot someone then ok d .. dun care liao.. haha
the mask making me fell unconfortable especially wearing glasses on it...
and the mask has limited vision as well. would be able to see ppl who attack u from the side.
another things is the mask tends to become a little bit foggy or blur... so i cannot really see who is who from far...
as long as i saw ppl from far, so SHOOT!! including the instructor =P
after the paint ball was so tired and still need to go out for dinner wif mr tan's friends...
they are celebrating his b'day 2 days in advance.
Oh well, Happy early Birthday Mr Tan.
next day woke up in the morning, muscle pain.
and realise i got some "kisses" from the mosquitoes on my arm...
some times going out is good but not when u have things to do at the same time...
the the break is too short d...
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